Provide your site a boost making use of USA Based Linux Semi-dedicated Server

Linux Semi-dedicated Hosting are actually a crossbreed solution. They characterize a unique mix from the power of a Linux dedicated servers hosting as well as the user–friendliness of a regular website hosting account. By using a semi–dedicated server, you’ll not have root access to the server, but you also will not have to take care of any kind of server management tasks. And you’ll be capable of manage every little thing through our Site Control Panel.

In order to provide this type of innovative web hosting solution, we also need the assistance of a top–tier data center in which we can deploy our customized cloud infrastructure. That’s why we selected our USA based datacenter for being home of our semi–dedicated servers.

Our USA based datacenter is located in downtown Chicago. It’s directly linked with most of the top–tier Internet suppliers in USA, delivering great connectivity for all your websites located there. Also, because of the unique infrastructure we have constructed there, we will promise you a 99.9% network uptime.

Using the consolidated power of our cloud hosting platform and our data centre, our USA Based Linux Semi-dedicated Servers are a great option for the next web site.

Other US Hosting Services

Our USA based datacenter features lots of web hosting options for all clients with regards to the sites or web applications they want to run. We supply USA Based Website Hosting for anybody who wants to run a personal blog, portfolio as well as an e–commerce store. Our cloud hosting packages feature a 99.9% network uptime guarantee and a free domain name. If you want to build a development environment or you need extra resource quotas for your site, then you could go with our USA Based Linux Virtual Private Servers. Our Virtual Private Servers feature a selection of Control Panels and feature amazingly fast operating NVMe disks. In case you want a new home for a extremely popular web site or perhaps a very CPU hungry web app, then you could pick any of our USA Based Linux Dedicated Hosting Servers. They boast efficient hardware elements and give a 99.9% network uptime guarantee.