The network capacity of a server determines how fast your websites shall open and what number of people shall be able to visit them simultaneously. Naturally, this is not the only factor, but it is an extremely significant one. On one hand, irrespective of how optimized a specific website could be, bad connectivity will mean slower loading speeds or even service interruptions, especially if just one Internet provider is used to access the hosting server. However, an excellent connection with lower capacity will enable just a small number of visitors to check out the Internet site at the same time, while new visitors will have difficult experience loading any content. In this sense, the success of your site relies upon not only on the content, but also on the site’s accessibility and loading speed. Those two elements are influenced by the connection the hosting server uses.
2.5 Gbit Network Connectivity in Website Hosting
You shall never experience any difficulties with the access to any website hosted inside a website hosting account on our innovative cloud platform. How quickly your visitors shall be able to look through the particular website will depend exclusively on their Internet connection, as the data centers in which our servers are located supply multi-gigabit connectivity and use dependable backbone providers to ensure speedy and continuous access to all the machines. The data centers also have direct optical fiber connections to many large urban centers in North America, Europe and Australia, so if you host your sites with us, you shall enjoy an excellent website loading speed from any location globally. In addition we use effective, high-quality network equipment to make sure that there will not be delays of any sort whenever an individual opens your website.
2.5 Gbit Network Connectivity in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The US data center where we offer semi-dedicated hosting packages has excellent connectivity to both the East Coast and the West Coast. The accounts are created on our exceptional website hosting platform, which uses a multi-gigabit traffic channel, so if you host your sites with us, the speed with which the visitors will open them will depend completely on their Internet connection. The data center uses a variety of Internet providers to ensure that the servers can be reached 24/7, regardless of whether there’re infrastructural issues, while the backed up network in the facility guarantees consistent connection between the separate groups of machines that are part of our system. We also use enterprise-class hardware, like switches, network cards and firewalls, in order to deal with heavy volumes of traffic.