Controlling your electronic communication without difficulty is quiteimportant, so in case you build a personal or a business site and you need to exchange emails with business partners or acquaintances, you should make sure that you have quick and easy accessibility to all of the attributes that an email service should feature. Just a couple of examples are: autoresponders, email forwarding and mailing lists, since these options are very handy for your e-mail communication. You will be able to save a lot of time and efforts, especially if you do not have a lot of practical experience but you'd nevertheless like to use e-mail addresses with your own domain rather than a generic third-party email service. Private e-mails will appear much more convenient and professional in case you communicate with prospective customers.
Advanced E-mail Manager in Website Hosting
With the outstanding Email Manager instrument that you'll obtain as part of our custom-built Hepsia Control Panel if you purchase a website hosting plan, you will handily have all the e-mail functions that you may ever require in one location and only a few mouse-clicks away. As soon as you access the tool, you can see all mailboxes that you have for your domain names and if any of them is a catch-all one or it features forwarding or anti-spam protection. These features are enabled and disabled as handily as clicking a button. More advanced features, for instance adding SPF protection, are readily available via fast access buttons plus right-click contextual menus. Also, you can use the webmail for any mailbox or download an auto-setup file for Outlook, Thunderbird and Apple Mail using the very same section. Our Email Manager is simple enough to be employed by people with little or no practical experience and it features many comprehensive help articles. Furthermore, it includes capabilities for advanced users as well and it will save you efforts and time even for more complicated duties.
Advanced E-mail Manager in Semi-dedicated Hosting
When you use our Linux semi-dedicated hosting, you'll be able to access any function related to your emails with no more than a couple of mouse-clicks. The Hepsia Control Panel, which is featured with all of our web hosting accounts, will enable you to take advantage of the feature-rich Email Manager instrument where you'll be able to view and control all your mailboxes - connect to the webmail, download auto-configuration files for Apple Mail or Outlook, create a catch-all mailbox or enable anti-spam protection. For more advanced customers, there're features like SPF protection as well as email lists, which are a click away as well. With right-click pop-up menus and fast access links, you will get total control over everything in a single place and with a truly intuitive interface. The aforementioned will save you considerable time and it'll make the administration of your email addresses a breeze.