File Transfer Protocol (FTP), is the most famous means for uploading website files to a hosting account. With an FTP software app that’s pre-installed on your desktop or laptop PC, you can establish a connection to your hosting server and copy all of the web files that you want with several clicks of the mouse. You can do this using an easy-to-work-with interface and it is as simple as dragging and dropping the aforementioned files. The advantage of using File Transfer Protocol is that you’ll be able to create different accounts, each one with a different level of access to your web space, so if you wish to grant someone access, for example – a designer, they will be able to access only a particular folder and won’t be able to see the remaining content or any other information, such as personal details. Three prerequisites are required in order to be able to establish an FTP connection – a hostname, which is normally an IP address or a domain, a username and a password.
FTP Accounts in Website Hosting
Creating and administering numerous FTP accounts will be really easy with each of our Linux website hosting. This functionality isn’t limited, so with our simple-to-navigate Hepsia Control Panel, you’ll be able to set up as many accounts as you have to, in order to manage your sites and to get your website-connected tasks done. In case you hire a designer and they are done with the website, for instance, you can edit the FTP password or delete the entire FTP account with just one mouse click from the Control Panel. For your convenience, you’ll be able to check a list of all the FTP accounts that you’ve created and what folders they can connect to. Handy options such as modifying the access path or the password and downloading an auto-configuration file for commonly used FTP client programs are also just a mouse click away.
FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Our Linux semi-dedicated hosting are pretty powerful, which makes them perfect for hosting lots of sites. Speaking of which, we have chosen not to put a limit on the number of FTP accounts that you can create, so you can have a separate FTP account for each website that you host on our servers. All FTP accounts will be displayed in alphabetical order in the respective section of the Hepsia Control Panel, which is offered with each and every semi-dedicated account. For any of them, you’ll be able to see the access path and to change it, if necessary. What’s more, you can set up an account in a client of your choosing by downloading an auto-configuration file and running it on your PC, which will save you time. In case you have never opened a web hosting account before, you can check out our elaborate educational video clips, which can be accessed through the very same Control Panel section.
FTP Accounts in VPS Web Hosting
The virtual private server plans that we offer will permit you to set up unlimited FTP accounts to administer the content of your Internet sites. This is valid regardless of which package you get and which hosting Control Panel you choose during the server order procedure – Hepsia, cPanel or DirectAdmin. In any case, you’ll get FTP access to the machine without having to install any kind of software, as an FTP server is part of the standard software bundle which is included in the Virtual Private Server packages by default. You can set up one FTP account for every domain or sub-domain that you have or even different FTP accounts for a single directory – if you want a number of people to access the website content inside it using their own personal log-in details. With each of the offered Control Panels, setting up, deleting or modifying an FTP account takes no more than several clicks via a simple-to-use interface.